My World
Alexa tells me when I need to buy stuff.
Alexa knows amazingly intimate details about my house – how many snuggle dryer sheets I have left…
My washer and dryer trade recipes!
On laundry day, I sort my laundry and then tell my washer what each load contains (jeans, sheets, delicates, etc.) and then the washer informs the dryer what load is coming up next. The recipes are smart (so the cycle changes if I try to mix bleachable items with color prints) and everything is managed…
Did I remember to lock the front door? YES!
How many times have you asked yourself if you locked the door? My door automatically locks itself, and if it’s left open, or isn’t locked, my smart home notifies me. The system also keeps track of people entering and exiting the house, so I have a precise record of when my kids came home the…