
For nearly two decades, I have been a part of the oldest, the largest (and I believe; the richest) fraternal organization in the world.

The Freemasons are an organization dedicating to improving mankind by degrees.

…. Death is a recurring theme throughout Freemasonry…

“Momento mori” (Latin for ‘remember that you [have to] die) is a commonly used phrase in Masonic circles.

Honor College Distinction – YRSCNA
Honor College Distinction – YRSCNA

For the first time in our organization’s 42-year history, Oklahoma York Rite College No. 75 was recognized as an Honor College, thanks mostly to the effort I put in to bring in the largest class of candidates in our organization’s history, and a focused purpose on achieving the high standards…
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Pandemic – Cigar & Scotch Degree
Pandemic – Cigar & Scotch Degree

At what many consider the height of the COVID pandemic, I assembled a team and held the Cigar & Scotch Degree, at the now (thanks to the post-pandemic recession), closed Bird’s Nest. We had wonderful attendance, including the Grandmaster of Oklahoma.

Chartered: The Mysterious Nine Council
Chartered: The Mysterious Nine Council

This organization is very near and dear to my heart, but the group has had a tumultuous time. Lacking good leadership since inception, I have carried this organization to record-breaking charitable contributions and numerous “only available here,” unique experiences. Outsiders (like the profane often do to regular Masons) do not…
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The Midnight Master Mason Degree
The Midnight Master Mason Degree

I created an event that was the largest meeting ever held for Veritas Lodge No. 556; 32 men in attendance with visitors representing 19 different lodges, 5 different states and 6 jurisdictions.

Chartered: The Masonic Order of Athelstan
Chartered: The Masonic Order of Athelstan

The first court in our state, the Masonic Order of Athelstan was chartered during a “snowpocalpse.” The organization even drew membership from neighboring states and went on to have a 2.5 year waiting list to join.

I conferred my first degree (“order”)
I conferred my first degree (“order”)

You never forget your first time. Although, on that day, I forgot to bring part of my uniform! The Order of the Temple, a York Rite degree conferred by a Commandry of Knights Templar, will always have a very special place in my heart. It is one of the most…
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